Embedded Software Engineering

For over 10 years, we have been developing custom embedded software solutions. Our expertise includes controls for air conditioning systems, battery temperature regulation, displays, and other devices. With our solutions, we seamlessly integrate devices into existing infrastructures.

What is
embedded software

Today, hardly any device operates without embedded software. Whether it’s the coffee machine prompting you to descale it or the washer-dryer informing you that the water container needs to be emptied – it’s embedded software that processes this information and responds accordingly. Embedded software can:

  • Read sensor data and react accordingly.
  • Communicate with other devices.
  • Evaluate and store data or transmit it to connected computers or the cloud.

Insights into our embedded software projects

Whether simple programs or powerful software: Embedded Software Engineering has various facets. We’ll show you some examples so you can get a sense of the diversity, complexity, and possibilities.

Tools and technologies

With decades of experience and a passion for new technologies and trends, we definitely bring the right package to develop your project. For this, we also use the following tools and technologies:

  • Freescale Code-Warrior
  • Microchip Studio
  • Codesys
  • Arduino IDE

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